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Stone Harbor Weather has a moderate climate with pleasant summers and mild winters. Temperatures in winter rarely dip lower than the 40s during the day and 20s at night. Snow falls in winter, but the heavier amounts are in the hilly areas of the Piedmont Plateau and the mountains to the northwest in the state. January is the coldest month in Stone Harbor and July/August are the warmest months. Summertime highs are generally around 80 degrees or a few degrees warmer, with cooling ocean breezes. Spring and autumn have mild temperatures in the 50s and 60s during the daytime and 30s and 40s at night. Precipitation is spread evenly throughout the year.

Average Monthly Temperature in °F

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

High 42° 43° 51° 60° 69° 78° 84° 83° 77° 66° 56° 47°

Low 27° 28° 35° 43° 53° 62° 67° 66° 60° 49° 40° 31°

Mean 34° 36° 43° 52° 61° 70° 75° 74° 69° 58° 48° 39°

Precip. 3.7" 3.0" 4.2" 3.3" 3.7" 3.0" 3.4" 3.8" 3.3" 3.4" 3.1" 3.5"


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